6th Annual Central Bank Workshop
on the Microstructure of Financial Markets
October 7-8, 2010
A workshop organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Brandeis International Business School.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Brandeis International Business School will host this workshop, where researchers and practitioners will discuss issues central to the design, regulation, and use of financial markets, including liquidity, bid-ask spreads, transparency, and market structure. This is the sixth in a series of workshops, with previous sessions held in Oslo, Ottawa, Budapest, Hong Kong, and Zurich.

Keynote Speakers
Andrew Lo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Francis Longstaff, University of California at Los Angeles
The workshop is open to academics, central bankers, and other researchers in the area of financial market microstructure. It is closed to the media.

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Workshop Location
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
12th Floor Conference Center
New York, New York
Programs of Earlier Workshops
Norges Bank/BI Conference on The Microstructure of Equity and Currency Markets offsite
Microstructure of Foreign Exchange and Equity Markets offsite
3rd Annual Central Bank Workshop on the Microstructure of Financial Markets offsite
4th Annual Central Bank Workshop on the Microstructure of Financial Markets offsite
5th Annual Central Bank Workshop on the Microstructure of Financial Markets offsite

Program Committee
Martin Evans, Georgetown University
Michael Fleming, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thierry Foucault, HEC Paris
Ingrid Lo, Bank of Canada
Bernt Odegaard, University of Stavanger and Norges Bank
Carol Osler, Brandeis International Business School
Christine Parlour, University of California at Berkeley
Dagfinn Rime, Norges Bank
Asani Sarkar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Please address any questions to Michael Fleming

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