Board Releases Tips to Help Protect Consumers from Foreclosure Scams
March 5, 2009
Circular No. 12076

Reports of mortgage foreclosure scams are on the rise. Knowing what to watch for and where to turn for help is vital for families who are struggling to remain in their homes. March 1 to 9 is National Consumer Protection Week, and the Federal Reserve Board has compiled some tips to help protect consumers from becoming victims of foreclosure avoidance scams.

It's important for consumers to know that housing counselors and other resources are available at no or low cost to assist homeowners who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments.

Solicitors of foreclosure schemes reach out to potential victims by a variety of means using the Internet, the telephone and direct mailings. Some solicitors go door-to-door or approach homeowners at events related to home preservation. The information the Federal Reserve is providing, which is part of its "5 Tips" series, is intended to give consumers the basic information they need to recognize and avoid foreclosure avoidance scams.

See the press release for full details.

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