Gara Afonso

Gara Afonso

Financial Research Advisor
Money and Payments Studies
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045


Fields of interest
Financial Economics, Monetary Policy Implementation, Financial Stability, Interbank Markets

Gara Afonso is a financial research advisor in Money and Payments Studies and chair of the Research Group’s Promotion and Recognition Committee. Her research interests center on financial economics and she is primarily interested in the study of monetary policy, interbank markets, financial crises and market liquidity. Gara Afonso received a PhD in Finance from the London School of Economics in May 2008 and was a visiting graduate student at Princeton University from 2006 to 2008. In 2011, she was awarded the JFI Best Paper Prize for the most significant paper published in the 2011 Journal of Financial Intermediation for the paper “Liquidity and Congestion.” 

Gara Afonso's CVPDF

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