Operating Policy
Statement Regarding the Annual Report on Open Market Operations during 2020
May 24, 2021

Today, the Open Market Trading Desk (the Desk) at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published its annual report, Open Market Operations during 2020. This report was prepared by the Markets Group and presented to the Federal Open Market Committee. It contains a summary of open market operations conducted by the Desk for the System Open Market Account (SOMA), a description of the Federal Reserve emergency credit and liquidity facilities established during the year, and a review of Federal Reserve balance sheet developments in 2020. The report also presents New York Fed staff projections of SOMA domestic securities holdings and associated net income.

The report on Open Market Operations during 2020, along with underlying data presented in the charts, are available on the New York Fed’s website. Historical reports and projections are also available.

For more information regarding the New York Fed’s Markets Group and Monetary Policy Implementation, please visit its associated webpage.

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