FXC releases the results of its 39th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
February 5, 2024
FXC releases the results of its 37th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
February 7, 2023
Lorie K. Logan and Anna Nordstrom of the New York Fed’s Markets Group call for broad adoption of the FX Global Code
June 21, 2022
FXC releases the results of its 35th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 25, 2022
FXC releases the results of its 33rd Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 26, 2021
FXC releases the results of its 32nd Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
August 10, 2020
FXC releases the results of its 31st Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
February 4, 2020
FXC releases the results of its 29th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 29, 2019
FXC publishes an updated letter addressed to market participants regarding the practice of issuing authorization letters
July 13, 2018
FXC releases the results of its 27th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 25, 2018
The central bank-sponsored FXCs welcome the support and publication of the FX Global Code
May 25, 2017
FXC releases the results of its 25th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 24, 2017
The eight foreign exchange committees welcome and support the publication of the first phase of the FX Global Code.
May 26, 2016
FXC releases the results of its 23rd Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 25, 2016
FSB Chair requests assistance from FXC in monitoring progress on implementation of FSB FXBG recommendations
April 3, 2015
The eight foreign exchange committees release the "Global Preamble: Codes of best market practice and shared global principles"
March 30, 2015
FXC releases the results of its 21st Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 27, 2015
FXC and FMLG issue Illustrative Implementation Steps and Best Practices for Intermediated FX Prime Brokerage arrangements
July 29, 2014
Updates to Annex A to reflect Indonesian rupiah benchmark changes
- Revisions to Annex A 1998 FX and Currency Options Definitions
- Revisions to Template Terms
- SFEMC IDR Indicative Survey Rate Methodology (later updated March 28, 2014)
March 4, 2014
FXC releases the results of its 19th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 28, 2014
FXC and FMLG issue market practice around designation of covered PB counterparties under PB Protocol
September 30, 2013
Updates to Annex A to reflect Asian benchmark changes for the Indonesian rupiah, Malaysian ringgit, Singapore dollar, Thai baht, and the Vietnamese dong
- Revisions to Annex A 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions
- Revisions to Template Terms
- SFEMC IDR Indicative Survey Rate Methodology (later updated March 28, 2014)
- SFEMC MYR Indicative Survey Rate Methodology (later updated July 18, 2016)
August 1, 2013
Foreign Exchange Committee co-publishes Codes of Best Market Practice and Shared Global Principles
May 29, 2013
FXC and FMLG issue market practice regarding Swap Trading Relationship for Foreign Exchange
May 22, 2013
The FXC held an all-day forum on the Dodd-Frank Act and the Foreign Exchange Market. Materials are available on the Meetings page.
April 26, 2013
FXC releases the results of its 17th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 29, 2013
FXC releases the results of its 15th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
February 6, 2012
EMTA Releases User's Guide to Documenting Non-Deliverable Cross Currency FX and Currency Option Transactions
- Supplement to the 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions
- Amendments to Annex A to the FX and Currency Option Definitions
June 8, 2011
ISDA Publishes Volatility Swap Template
June 8, 2011
Life-Cycle Event Processing - Simple Exotic Options: Market Impact and Best-Practice Recommendation for Processing Barrier Events
April 21, 2011
FXC releases the results of its 13th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 31, 2011
New Nigerian Naira Currency and Rate Source Definitions Announced by EMTA, ISDA and FXC
December 21, 2010
FXC submits comments to Treasury Department on Determination of Foreign Exchange Swaps and Forwards
November 30, 2010
FXC releases updated Guidance and Associated Publications
- Tools for Mitigating Credit Risk in Foreign Exchange
- Letter on Best Practice Guidance of Payment-versus-Payment Settlement Services
- Updated Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Trading Activities
- Updated Management of Operational Risk in Foreign Exchange
November 22, 2010
FXC releases revised guidelines on foreign exchange trading
October 29, 2010
FXC releases 2009 Annual Report
August 5, 2010
FXC releases the results of its 11th Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 25, 2010
FX Prime Brokerage Reverse Give-Up Relationships: An Overview
November 24, 2009
FXC releases 2008 Annual Report
August 31, 2009
FXC releases the results of its tenth Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
July 27, 2009
FXC releases the results of its ninth Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 27, 2009
FXC releases the results of its eighth Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
July 28, 2008
FXC Press Release regarding new Pakistani Rupee and Vietnamese Dong rate source definitions published by the FXC, EMTA and ISDA, effective June 25, 2008
- New Pakistani Rupee and Vietnamese Dong rate source definitions published by the FXC, EMTA and ISDA, effective June 25, 2008
- Second Addendum to 2004 Asian Currency Non-Deliverable FX Documentation: PKR/USD Non-Deliverable FX Documentation and VND/USD Non-Deliverable FX Documentation, effective July 14, 2008
July 11, 2008
The FXC Announces the Release of 2008 Version of Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Trading Activities
May 16, 2008
FXC releases the results of its seventh Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 28, 2008
ISDA, EMTA and FXC announce the addition of a new rate source definition for the Peruvian Sol (November 2007)
November 15, 2007
FXC, EMTA, and FX JSC issue Multilateral Master Confirmation Agreement for Non-Deliverable Forward FX Transactions
October 31, 2007
FXC releases the results of its sixth Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
July 31, 2007
FXC releases the results of its fifth Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 22, 2007
FXC, EMTA and FX JSC issue Master Confirmation Agreement for Non-Deliverable Forward FX Transactions (December 2006)
- NDF Master Confirmation Agreement
- User's Guide to NDF Master Confirmation Agreement
- Addendum to NDF Master Confirmation Agreement
December 13, 2006
FXC releases amendment to section 1.2 of IFXCO Master Agreements
December 5, 2006
FXC, SFEMC and EMTA issue updated User’s Guide for the 2004 Asian Currency Non-Deliverable FX Documentation (October 2006)
October 25, 2006
New and amended Indian Rupee and Philippine Peso rate source definitions published by the FXC, EMTA and ISDA, effective October 25th (October 2006)
October 25, 2006
FXC releases the results of its fourth Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
July 17, 2006
FXC publishes autodealing paper on the market impact and best practice recommendations
June 19, 2006
The FXC, SFEMC, and EMTA issue clarifying amendment to the definition of Settlement Date in Template Terms for the 2004 Asian Currency Non-Deliverable FX Documentation (May 2006) (superseded)
- Updated User's Guide to 2004 Asian Currency Non-Deliverable FX Documentation
- Updated Addendum to 2004 Asian Currency Non-Deliverable FX Documentation
May 17, 2006
Compendium of Amendments to Annex A of the 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions (April 2006) (superseded)
April 17, 2006
Amended Korean won rate source definition published by the FXC, EMTA, and ISDA, effective April 3
April 3, 2006
Amended Chinese Renminbi rate source definition published by the FXC, EMTA, and ISDA, effective March 6 (March 2006)
March 6, 2006
FXC releases the results of its third Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 23, 2006
FXC publishes prime brokerage overview and best practice recommendations
December 19, 2005
FXC addresses letter to market participants regarding the retail foreign exchange market
December 9, 2005
FXC, EMTA, and ISDA announce the publication of the new 2005 Barrier Option Supplement to the 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions
- 2005 Barrier Option Supplement to the 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions
- Practice Notes to the 2005 Barrier Option Supplement
- Currency Pair Matrix
December 6, 2005
FXC, ISDA, and EMTA publish Compendium of Amendements to Annex A to the 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions, effective November 22, 2005
November 22, 2005
Amended Chinese Renminbi rate source definition published by the FXC, EMTA, and ISDA, effective November 7
November 7, 2005
FXC releases its inaugural market share report
October 26, 2005
FXC releases the results of its second Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
July 25, 2005
FXC addresses letter to market participants regarding the practice of issuing authorization letters
July 14, 2005
SFEMC, EMTA, and FXC announce updated documentation for Malaysian Ringgit non-deliverable foreign exchange transactions, effective July 15, 2005
- Addendum to 2004 Asian Currency Non-Deliverable FX Documentation
- Malaysian Ringgit Template Terms
- Malaysian Ringgit Amendment Agreement
July 1, 2005
Amended Romanian Leu rate source definition published by EMTA, ISDA, and the FXC, effective July 1, 2005
July 1, 2005
FXC publishes IFXCO Master Agreement
- IFXCO Terms
- IFXCO Adherence Agreement
- IFXCO Adherence Agreement (Word document)
- IFXCO Guide to Changes to the FXC Master Agreements
- IFXCO List of Opinions
June 1, 2005
Global Operational Managers Conference hosted by the Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee
April 20-21, 2005
FXC Publishes its 2004 Annual Report
March 24, 2005
FXC releases the results of its inaugural Survey of North American Foreign Exchange Volume
January 24, 2005
Amended Turkish Lira Rate Source Definition Announced by EMTA, ISDA, and the FXC effective as of January 1, 2005
December 30, 2004
FXC and ISDA File Amicus Brief in the Jugobanka Case
December 16, 2004
Joint FXC and JSC Statement Regarding the Turkish Lira Conversion
December 7, 2004
2004 Version of Foreign Exchange Transactions: Execution to Settlement, Recommendations for Nondealer Participants
November 8, 2004
The FXC Announces the Release of 2004 Version of Management of Operational Risk in Foreign Exchange
November 5, 2004
The FXC, EMTA, and SFEMC Announce Updated Documentation for Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Transactions for Six Asian Currencies
- User's Guide and 2004 Asian Currency Non-Deliverable FX Documentation
- The SFEMC Indicative Survey Rate Methodologies for Six Asian Currencies
- Chinese Renminbi Template Terms
- Indian Rupee Template Terms
- Indonesian Rupiah Template Terms
- Korean Won Template Terms
- Philippine Peso Template Terms
- Taiwanese Dollar Template Terms
November 1, 2004
EMTA, ISDA, and the FXC Announce Amended Rate Source Definitions for Six Asian Currencies, effective as of December 1, 2004
November 1, 2004
The FXC Addresses Letter to Market Participants Regarding CLS Bank's Trade Confirmation Initiative
September 28, 2004
The FXC Addresses Letter to Market Participants Regarding the Use of Points to Resolve Disputes
July 13, 2004
FXC Addresses Letter to Market Participants Regarding the Practice of Issuing Authorization Letters
February 23, 2004
Amended Brazilian Rate Source Definition Announced by EMTA, ISDA, and the FXC, effective as of March 1, 2004
February 18, 2004
FXC and SFEMC Address Joint Letter to Market Participants Regarding Risks Associated with Trading on an Unnamed Basis
February 17, 2004
FXC Announces the Appointment of State Street's Mark Snyder to the Position of Chairman
January 12, 2004
Master Agreement Supplement for Non-Deliverable Forwards
April 2, 2003
FXC Addresses Letter to Market Participants Regarding Risks Associated with Trading On an Unnamed Basis
January 31, 2003
FXC recommends the use of a master agreement addendum for NDFs to minimize operational risk associated with NDF confirmations
January 9, 2003
New and Amended Argentine Peso Rate Source Definitions Announced By EMTA, ISDA and the FXC
December 20, 2002
FXC Endorses the Joint Standing Committee's Proposed Changes to the NIPS Code Regarding Trading with Unnamed Counterparties
November 6, 2002
Committee Introduces Changes to the Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Trading Activities
October 30, 2002
FXC submits comments on the Draft Interagency White Paper on Sound Practices to Strengthen the Resilience of the U.S. Financial System
October 21, 2002
FXC comments on the SIA's Whitepaper on cross border related to T+1 settlement for U.S. securities
June 7, 2002
The Committee Supports EMTA's Efforts to Generate a New Methodology for Settling NDFs in the Event of an Unscheduled Market Holiday
April 18, 2002
FX Committee sponsors Electronic Trading Forum
February 26, 2002
FXC statement on NDF transactions involving the Argentine peso
January 8, 2002
The FXC Offers Recommendations on Contingency Planning
November 15, 2001
Revised - SFEMC statement regarding the treatment of the Taiwan dollar fixing rate for September 12, 2001
September 14, 2001
EMTA, ISDA and FX Committee announce addition of new Korean Won rate source definitions to Annex A
June 20, 2001
Bank Indonesia has recently announced certain restrictions with regard to foreign exchange transactions involving the Indonesian rupiah
February 2, 2001
A new and updated version of the "Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Trading Activity"
January 23, 2001
The Committee and the Singapore Committe suggest changes in the SWIFT confirmation messages
December 15, 2000
The FX Committee recommends the use of two new templates (1) the Knock-Out/Knock-In Barrier Option and (2) the Binary Option Template
September 28, 2000
ISDA, EMTA, and FX Committee Announce Website Publication of Revised Annex A to 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions
September 22, 2000
EMTA, ISDA and FX Committee announce addition of new Brazilian Real rate source definition
March 14, 2000
FXC announces new set of best practices for the barrier option market
February 17, 2000
FXC issues revised Force Majeure provisions for standard currency trading agreements
December 2, 1999
Foreign Exchange Transaction Processing: Execution to Settlement, Recommendations for Nondealer Participants
October 20, 1999
FXC issues "Y2K: Best Practice in the Foreign Exchange Market"
October 18, 1999
EMTA, ISDA and the FX Committee announce amendments to the Philippine peso rate source definitions
August 25, 1999